
Learn from Your Peers—and Grow Faster

As an AppExchange partner, navigating the Salesforce ecosystem's nuances can, at times, feel challenging. Hearing from partners who have done it before is the best way to shorten the learning curve and swiftly grow revenue. This program aims to bring leading minds together to share actionable best practices that have been market-tested before.

What to expect

Shared Discovery offers monthly, live learning sessions designed to facilitate authentic conversations with partners who have achieved success in the Salesforce ecosystem. All of our topics tie back to go-to-market enablement with the end goal of helping you grow your business.

Where can I register for the next session? 

Register and learn about future sessions here:

Past Shared Discovery Sessions

Drive More Leads With Test Drive - May 2021

What if we told you that we have a solution that allows you to enable buyers to see your app first hand? Wouldn’t you want to learn more? Watch this session to learn why Test Drive with In-App Guidance is key for today’s customers, how you can convert more leads, reach multiple audiences, and shorten your sales cycle. 

What to expect: A demo from the pros, insights from partners who’ve been using it successfully, and a test drive kit to get started fast.

Aligning with Salesforce Product Teams - April 2021

Are you looking to stand out in the Salesforce ecosystem? Join fellow Salesforce partners to learn how to map out a winning strategy to align with Salesforce product teams. 

What to expect: An introduction to the players you need to know, tips on how to pique their curiously, and tools you can use to align on strategy.

Gaining Momentum as an ISV with Salesforce - November 2020

Join Mike Davis - Founder of GTM Guides & VP of Sales at TaskRay to learn what every Partner needs to do from Day 1 to gain momentum with Salesforce employees through impactful digital product marketing.

Demand Generation for AppExchange Partners - October 2020

What does it take to successfully launch a new app and capture the attention of Salesforce customers? Watch this recording of a live discussion with seasoned veterans of the AppExchange who have mastered the art of demand generation and category creation in the Salesforce ecosystem.

Where can I find additional business enablement resources?

Join the ISV Business Enablement Chatter group on the Partner Community to connect with partners, access existing content and learn about new offerings.